ReImagining Work Relationships(tm)-Avoid this Common Manager Mistake
Published: Wed, 01/20/10
Mary C Schaefer, President, Artemis Path Inc, OD & HR Consulting and Training, Career & Work Performance Coaching | ReImagining Work Relationships(tm) | ||
Managers: Don’t Make this Common Mistake with Your Own Development | |||
January 19, 2010
You know the feeling. You get inspired by a new idea you learn from an HBR newsletter or Malcolm Gladwell’s latest book. You’re intrigued by applying your learning to actually turning around that problem employee or creating better communication among your sniping team members. But how do you find the time to put it into practice? It doesn’t help that many of us are instant gratification junkies.
You are excited by the possibility of trying a new approach, but it feels like everything has to change at once. Or you may even resist being exposed to new ideas because you’re all-full-up the way it is. You feel like you’re barely keeping your head above water, and you’re paddling like mad. You have this nagging thought that if you had a moment to try a different method, you might actually be able to make real change. You start to feel overwhelmed then paralyzed by the prospect, and pretty soon you put the possibility to improve things aside for another day… that never comes. It doesn’t have to be that way. What I know is that one good place to start is by answering the question, [read rest of post here:]Don't forget! The first session of the Intro Series,
Managers: You Don’t Need a Makeover, Just a
Tune-up: How to Use What Comes Naturally to You to Get More Done
Through Your Employees, starts on Jan 28 (next week!) []
Best Regards,
Mary C Schaefer
302-367-4765 |
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