ReImagine Work -, is it worth it to deal with the *petty drama*?

Published: Tue, 08/03/10

Hello Friends and Colleagues.  I know I haven't
written in a while.

The good news is that I have had a busy and
productive summer coaching new managers on their
exciting new role and training managers to develop
the skills to effectively coach their employees.
I also took time for some much-needed R&R in the
mountains of North Carolina with family.

And... I had a chance to jump-start my renewed
interest in public speaking.  I was interviewed on
investigating employee complaints
on The Proactive
Employer podcast hosted by Stephanie Thomas.

It was so much fun to flex my HR manager muscles
again and offer my often strong opinions :)

If you are interested in hearing about:
- the top 2 areas of vulnerability for employers
- the important reason you DO want to deal with
"petty drama"
- the key to avoiding the fallout of employee

you can listen to my podcast interview here:

Talk with you again soon!

Best Regards,
Mary Schaefer
Speaker, Coach and Trainer
Artemis Path, Inc