ReImagineWork-, you can count on me.

Published: Wed, 06/01/11

Mary Schaefer - Specializing in Creating Manager-Employee Communication Breakthroughs and Functional, Positive Work Cultures ReImagine Work

You Can Count On Me

"For a Leader" (poem) by John O’Donohue

mock image

June 1, 2011
I wasn’t much of a leader yesterday. It totally got by me that I missed my weekly Tuesday post and email distribution.
I know in the big scheme of things, it might not be a big deal to you that I missed this.  But for me, continuity, reliability and people knowing how they can count on me is a big deal — and in terms of being leader...
Related posts:
  1. Are You Ready to Be a Leader in Your Own Communication?
  2. Mary’s Seven Ways to Be a New Leader to Your Employees
  3. Social Media: It’s *Relating,* People
Best Regards,
Mary Schaefer
President, Artemis Path, Inc
Copyright Artemis Path, Inc 2010.  All rights reserved.
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