ReImagineWork-, are you creating an environment of support for yourself?

Published: Tue, 09/06/11

Mary Schaefer - Specializing in Creating Manager-Employee Communication Breakthroughs and Functional, Positive Work Cultures ReImagine Work

, are you creating an environment of support for yourself?

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Sep 6, 2011

You might remember from last week how I found "grace in my coffee shop" when I was concerned about a writing project submission.  Today I found support at a "fork in the road" with a few poets sprinkled in for good measure (a sentence I never expected to write in this lifetime :)
I've been working on my writing habits, quality and content for months.  Momentum has grown and I've been called to write a piece that counts for more. It will have a bigger audience.  And others (besides me) are counting on me to do a good job. I'm feeling vulnerable. 
Last week I talked about noticing when help shows up unexpectedly, and not resisting help. What I realized this week is how important it is to put yourself in a position to notice and receive help.  
Today I got an encouraging email about my writing project submission, from someone I did have the nerve to ask for help a few weeks ago.  I shared with this colleague, Don Shapiro, that I had been on pins and needles.  I shared with him the post on how grace showed up for me last week.  It turns out my post connects nicely with a research project Don is working on called, "Life is a Fork in the Road," all toward gathering stories and identifying patterns on trusting our own inner wisdom.  
Don posted a link to my post on his project's Facebook page, and thusly my site charted a record for the most hits it's received in one day!  And Don's page followers gave me wonderful, encouraging comments, which I never expected I would hear today.  I love serendipity.  I also see a connection to gratitude showing up.  The more I appreciate, the more good stuff shows up.
But... back to putting yourself in a position to receive support - tonight was the first meeting of a writer's accountability group I joined, started by my long-time coach, Jenna Avery.  Writers of all sorts, including poets, have come together to do our work, sort of side-by-side virtually, and to encourage each other, in good times and in bad.
I was feeling gratitude as I hung up from our call tonight, and I realized, I put myself in this position by signing up for this a month ago. 
Grace shows up sometimes unexpectedly, and your actions and attitudes also create an environment for it to emerge.  How are you creating a space for your own support these days?  
photo credit: joebelanger from iStockphoto
Best Regards,
Mary Schaefer
President, Artemis Path, Inc

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