ReImagineWork-, are you a victim of perpetual inbox obsession?

Published: Tue, 10/11/11

Mary Schaefer - Specializing in Creating Manager-Employee Communication Breakthroughs and Functional, Positive Work Cultures ReImagine Work
, are you a victim of perpetual inbox obsession?

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October 11, 2011
You probably know people who believe that there is an expectation in your organization that you  have to be "on" 24/7.  You might even think that yourself.

It's hard not to.  And at the same time, we know that it is impossible and not even a good idea to be available and ready for input all—thetime

In his new book, "The Accidental Creative," Todd Henry describes this plight and its pitfalls the best I have ever read.  For example:
"One creative director I know admitted that it was rare that this behavior [always being on, e.g. checking email last thing at night and first thing in the morning] had actually increased his performance, but was really just a way to help him feel wired-in and needed."
Sound familiar?  If so, there is a lot to learn in Todd's book ( about how this behavior really does not serve us, and by forming different habits we actually are more likely "to be brilliant at a moment's notice."
Go be brilliant.
Best Regards,
Mary Schaefer
President, Artemis Path, Inc
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