What if everyone brought their talent, their ideas and their passion to work? [ReImagineWork]

Published: Mon, 10/07/13

Dr. Brene' Brown challenges us to "Dare Greatly"

Dr. Brene' Brown is stirring the pot these days with some provocative topics.  If you've not run across her yet, I suggest checking out her books, the most recent being, "Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead" or her very popular TED talks.

Among other things, Brene' has written what she calls "The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto" and also the "Daring Greatly Leadership Manifesto."

Here are some excerpts from the leadership manifesto, written, 

"To the CEO's and the teachers. To the principals and the managers. To the politicians, community leaders and decision-makers. To all of us from all of us."

  • We ask that you engage with us, show up beside us and learn from us.
  • We are hardwired for connection, for curiosity and engagement.
  • We crave purpose and have a deep desire to create and contribute. 
  • We want to take risks... and be courageous.
  • We believe the world needs our talents, our ideas and our passions.

I like how she talks about "daring greatly" in the context of leadership.  I want to start playing with the thought of being "wholehearted," and applying it not only to parenting, as Brene' does, but at work too.  What would it mean to be a wholehearted leader? More to come on that...

In the meantime, click here to see the rest of the "Daring Greatly Leadership Manifesto."  You can download very attractive 8x10 pdf's of the document from Brene's own site.

My Best,
Mary Schaefer
Coach and Trainer for Managers of People
"Empower your employees by empowering yourself first."

P.S.  Remember that "thing" I've been talking about?  It's got a name, it's "The Empowered Manager's Success Kit," coming out Friday, Oct 11.  Be sure to pay close attention for a note with all the details and an introductory discount code.