[ReImagineWork] A Gift for You

Published: Sun, 09/08/13

A Gift for You from ReImagineWork (& an ooops... see P.S. at end)

Sept 8, 2013

Greetings!  Mary Schaefer here.  I took a break from publishing to my list for the last several months to explore more deeply what I offer and to concentrate more on doing work with and learning from my clients. Now I am back and I have a gift for you, loyal subscribers.

Here you'll find a tool I've developed called the "Manager Focus Assessment ."  Just click here and it's yours! 

Be back in touch soon!

My Best,

Mary Schaefer

Coach and Trainer for Managers of People - "Managers, empower your employees by empowering yourself first."


p.s.  Some of you may have recently received an unexpected note from me as if you were signing up to my list "brand new."  Just a testing *malfunction* as I get things started again.  Sorry about that!