All that emotion -it's good news!
Yes, good news. Focus on what you are learning from everything your employee is telling you. Don't hurry them. Take them seriously, even if you don't understand the emotion.
The ironic part of this is, when we aren't being rushed to calm down, when we feel taken seriously and heard, the wind goes out of our sails and we begin to come down in that moment.
Leadership is taking people seriously, no matter what.
They may appear to be jumping to conclusions or making assumptions. But here's more good news. In many cases the level of emotion you're seeing means they care.
They care about what is going on. Let's assume they wouldn't be in your face if it weren't important. They are engaged. This is certainly preferred over the silent, resigned, indifferent, or burned out employee.
They may just need to be heard, or have a really valid point
. Muster up the desire to legitimately understand. You never know what you might learn, and in the process, you might strengthen your working relationship too.