One BIG benefit of regular, deliberate, scheduled one-on-one's. |
As an HR Manager I'm guessing that half the employee issues that ended up in my office could have been headed off through regular one-on-one, deliberate, high-quality communication between supervisors and employees. That's just one reason I emphasize making the most of one-on-one meetings.
I know. You don't have time. You have too many people. You don't want them to complain you're micromanaging.
Many managers resist the thought of private, scheduled one-on-one time, preferring to rely on an open-door policy, or informally dropping in on employees, or "management by walking around." These approaches have their place. At the same time, you communicate something important when you insist on deliberate, scheduled one-on-one time
You know you need to talk to your employees regularly, but the truth is, sometimes you dread it. It's easy to put off topics that might cause discomfort for either of you. Just thinking about it can make you squirm.
Even if the topic isn't particularly charged, it's easy for the discussion to fall into a pattern of sharing status updates
. Then if you do try to change things up, to draw them out, say about their motivations or aspirations, it can feel stilted or awkward. But it doesn't have to be that way.
The Secret.
You can have all kinds of reasons to NOT meet regularly, but here's why it's worth it.
There's something about having a consistent, private meeting time committed on a calendar that shows your employee that you take them seriously, and, over time, strengthens the quality of your relationship and your discussions.
(Bonus tip: The key to this transformation is meeting regularly while nothing big is going on like a performance appraisal or corrective feedback.)
As you can tell, I have very strong opinions on how this can work, and why it's so important. That's why I developed the guide for "How to Make the Most of One-on-One Meetings With Your Employees."
Limited time offer available.
Through Dec 6, the first 5 people who respond who have the guide,
will get a 30-minute complimentary consultation with me about making the most of your one-on-ones. We will talk through how you can use this material most effectively and also find if there are any other ways I can support you in being an empowered manager of people.
Just reply to this email to make use of this limited time offer.
It's not too late.
If you haven't yet downloaded the guide to "How to Make the Most of Your One-on-One Meetings With Employees", you can order it by clicking the image above in the right column or go here
. And no worries, when you fill out the order form you will not start getting duplicate emails from me.
I look forward to talking with you about really diving into making the most of your one-on-one meetings.
For those celebrating Thanksgiving, have a happy one!
Mary SchaeferCoach and Trainer for Managers of People"Empower your employees by empowering yourself first."
I'm flexible in my scheduling times, including weekends and evenings. When you email me, we can collaborate on times/dates for scheduling. Just be sure to respond by Dec 6 to claim one of the 5 spots available.
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