What do *you* believe about your potential?

Published: Mon, 01/06/14

"Whatever effects one directly, affects all directly.  I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be…"

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Having someone believe in you is a powerful thing.

When someone demonstrates their encouragement, support and confidence in you and your vast potential, it is powerful fuel for strength and accomplishment.  I believe we are all capable of so much, particularly when others sincerely express their belief in us. 

What about you?  What is your belief about *your* vast human potential?  

For a glimmer of a moment, allow yourself to want to soar.  I'm going to cultivate that feeling more.  Let's do that together.

This is one of the reasons I'm so focused on the thought: "Managers, the first and most important person to empower is yourself because…  your employees are only going to be as empowered as you allow yourself to be."

And, if I may be so bold as to interpret Dr. King's words quoted at the start of this post, i.e., "I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be" -- this goes both ways.  Your employees can't be all they are capable of unless you are doing that too --modeling it.

Believing in the vast potential of human beings is a handy perspective to have as a manager of people.  It's likely that the higher your belief is, on a scale of 1-10 for instance, the more you and your employees are going to deliver and delight.  

An invitation.

I recently recorded an audio where I expand on what I mean by, "The first and most important person to empower is yourself."  

I invite you to listen to the recording here on my newly updated homepage. It's less than 5 minutes long.

A second invitation.

As the new year is upon us, begin to ask yourself where you want to take yourself and your staff this year.  Perhaps there is something you want to tackle or refine regarding:

  • Motivating those employees stuck in a rut without you doing all the work.
  • Delivering performance feedback without shutting them down.
  • Capturing the attention of those who don't seem to hear your important instructions or feedback.
  • Guiding a high-flyer to step into their potential.
  • Improving your relationship with your own manager.
  • Mapping out your next steps in your own path.

I'd love to hear back from you on any questions you have as you take yourself through this process, or decide what to work on.  Just reply back to this email.

In the meantime, I wish you a wonderful, healthy and prosperous 2014.
My Best,
Mary Schaefer
Coach and Trainer for Managers of People

P.S.  You know that "sweet deal" I mentioned recently? Look for the details, to be announced January 9.

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