Why the mundane matters

Published: Wed, 12/18/13

Or, what was your name again??

A few years ago I realized how odd it is, at my doctors' offices, to share highly intimate, personal medical information with people whose names I don't even know.  I now notice that some medical staff make a point to introduce themselves to me.  If they don't, I introduce myself (even when I know they know my name...) and ask for their names.  Try this and watch the response.  It wakes them up a little.

The shortage of awareness and appreciation is "going viral."

Because of our devices, we are used to living in a virtual world, to the point to where interactions with others in the real world can come across as just another transaction... a post, an update.

At a networking event, you're just another business card.  With the customer service rep on the phone, you're just one of the dozens of faceless voices they hear that day who have a complaint.  On LinkedIn, there's that invitation you received just so someone can increase his or her connection count.  At the doctor's office, you're just another body to check in.

Take a stand in your part of the world.

Recently I ran across this passage in the book, Emotional Freedom, by Dr. Judith Orloff.  I'm paraphrasing.

Pay attention to the way you deal with someone cutting you off in traffic, or an obnoxious neighbor.  This is not a trivial microcosm of daily aggravation, but a practice lab for more serious issues.

Some might say I overdo it when I hold the customer service agent accountable for hearing me and giving me real help, or when I ask the person I don't know, who just sent me an invite on LinkedIn, if we know each other.

"Do the great while it is still small." Lao-tzu.

Yes, I want to be seen, but I want you to know I see you too.  This is where the practice lab Judith Orloff mentions happens.

"Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."

You've probably heard some version of this.  The attribution is still up for debate, but that doesn't lessen the impact.

With a new year on the horizon.

How do you want to use your daily practice lab to shape your destiny and our world?

Image: z_i_b_i at BigStockPhoto

My Best,
Mary Schaefer
Coach and Trainer for Managers of People
"Empower your employees by empowering yourself first."

P.S.  I wish the best for you as this year comes to a close.  Be on the lookout for an announcement from me early next year for a great way to start the new year off revitalized and newly equipped as a manager of people.

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