Leaders, start your year off powerfully.

Published: Mon, 12/30/13

"Way to go!  You did such a good job."

(Well, if nobody else is going to say it, I will.)

While you are putting the old year to rest, and looking forward to the new year, let's take some time for healthy self-congratulation.

1.  Appreciation yourself.  We don't do enough of that.  Humility has it's place, but too much modesty doesn't serve you either.  Look at those things you take for granted in yourself.

One way to identify them is to notice when you are commended on something you did and you respond with some version of, "Aw, it was nothing."

But it was not nothing. (How's that?) First, "everyone" cannot do what you did and second, it comes to you so easily and naturally, you take it for granted.  That is your genius showing itself.  Stop denying it and capitalize on it.

2.  Check in with people who matter.  I have clients who are plagued with the thought they might not be doing enough, or not meeting expectations.  Most times, that is utterly ridiculous.

Prove it to yourself.  Go get some evidence that you are doing just fine.  Check in with others.  If you are a manager or employee, check in with the people who sign your paycheck, or not.  They can be people you "answer to," or not, but no matter.  

Here are some easy questions to ask, to focus their responses: What is one thing you like about us working together?  What about how we work together would you not want to see change?  What strength or skill do you see in me that I could utilize even more?

If you believe they are capable of giving you sincere and accurate feedback, and they are not holding anything back, then, please, I beg of you, take in their feedback on your accomplishments, skills and talents and let it wash over you.  

Start the year off right.

At least during these next few days, please bask in what you did well, and do well, and then we'll start on your plans for the next year from a foundation of powerful confidence.

My Best,
Mary Schaefer
Coach and Trainer for Managers of People

P.S. Happy 2014!  Look for a note the week of Jan 6 announcing an offer to start the year off right, with quite a sweet deal.  

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