1) HR: Human Resources or Human Remains and 2) Rebuilding Trust

Published: Fri, 03/14/14

Two posts for the price of one this week!

"people ask me why it's so hard to trust people, and i ask them 

why is it so hard to keep a promise?"

~ QTangel, boardofwisdom.com

Hello.  This week I had the opportunity to guest-post on 2 sites and thought you might enjoy either or both articles.

The first is a story of an acquaintance of mine and his question as to when and if he can trust his manager again.  Be sure to read through to the comments below the post.  Other readers had lot to say about what it takes to rebuild trust.  I invite you to join in.

The second is my take on HR, as prompted by a fellow HR colleague who wanted to discuss what HR has come to mean, and what it can mean for the humans it is intended to serve (you can already see my bias in that statement…).

Read on!

Can you rebuild broken trust?

My buddy, George, told me the other day about the new manager where he works, a nation-wide retail store chain. There are dozens of employees at his location.  The new store manager called an all-hands meeting and proceeded to tell them that they should consider themselves on notice that she was not above firing any one of them for any reason, any time.  That was part a significant part of her introductory address to her new constituents… Click here to continue reading my latest post at the Lead Change Group blog.  Feel free to weigh in, share your outlook, or have your say in the comments section.  I would love to hear what you think it takes to rebuild broken trust.

If I could recreate HR from scratch.

My colleague Chery Gegelman of Giana Consulting recently asked me to tackle the question, should HR stand for Human Resources or Human Remains? Click here to read my take on the subject, titled, "If I Could Recreate HR from Scratch."

Arrow image: BigStockPhoto contributor Minerva Studio
Multiple people image: iStockphoto

My Best,

P.S.  Heads-up: Just so you know, I'll soon be phasing out the fre/e version of the guide to "Make the Most of One-on-One Meetings With Your Employees."  Be sure to get yours now in case my final notice gets by you. (See below for more details on the guide.)  Soon it will only be available through your purchase of The Empowered Manager's Success Kit.

About Mary Schaefer: I'm a coach and trainer for managers of people.  My belief is the key to being a great manager is to: "Empower your employees by empowering yourself first."  Click here to find out more about what I mean by this and what it can mean for you.

Question? Comment? Click reply and let's talk.

Let's start with thinking about how your one-on-one's with your boss go.  What's that?  You don't have them?  Or you are expected to run the show?  Well, that's appropriate in some cases, but you can do as a manager can do SO MUCH by applying some deliberate thought to how you run these meetings with your employees.

I believe the one-on-one relationships you have with your employees creates a foundation of excellent productivity and performance for you both. By deliberately setting aside planned time to cover meaningful topics you set the tone to create strong, trusting, reliable relationships and understand what really motivates your employees.

So please, don't wait any longer to claim your fr/ee copy of this guide, and take your meetings from perfunctory to productive!

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