The season is buzzing by!
Why does it seem like things speed up in the summer? Our winter here on the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S. seemed like it lasted forever and now it is nearly the middle
of July.
Make a Beeline for These Posts.
I'm on a career development kick right now, having just delivered 2 webinars on related subjects (more on this below). Here are some of my latest posts for your perusal.
2. Take Charge of Your Career Like a Boss - In my classes, managers tell me they realize they aren't always clear with employees about expectations. What do you do about this if you're the
Transformative Webinars:
How to Make Your Relationship With Your Boss Work For You.
Most bosses want the same thing: a
high-value, low-maintenance employee. In this webinar you will take away ideas to: - Distinguish yourself as someone who is reliable and has their priorities straight.
- Show you clearly address organization goals in everyday actions and decisions.
- Influence
your boss to take your ideas seriously.
- Clearly demonstrate the value you bring to the organization.
Make Constant Change Work For You: Improve Your Confidence, Performance and Job Security.
the change in your organization getting you down? Change happens. The only way through it is to embrace it. Learn how to make change work for you and learn about tools to come through it with confidence.
Details: Both webinars are 50-60 minutes
including Q&A. Be on the lookout for more details on my website soon. You can learn a little more through this slidedeck. Contact me now to get on my calendar to talk about one of these webinars for your organization. You can offer one to your employee group, network or professional society. Also, you can offer one as a development
opportunity for your virtual team. Just reply to this email with your interest.
Image: iStockphoto contributors
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About Mary Schaefer: I'm a coach and trainer for managers of people and anyone else committed to their own development and
advancement. My belief is that your key to success is self-empowerment. Click here to find out more about what I mean by this and what it can mean for you.
Question? Comment? Click reply
and let's talk.
"My boss isn't even crazy and I find these tips useful." |
That's what one of my subscribers said after getting my "9 Essential Tips to Manage Your Crazy Boss."
Okay, your boss
may not be crazy, but overwhelmed or distracted, or dealing with a crazy boss of their own.
If you see behavior like vague feedback or giving mixed messages you can use these tips to learn to take the actions you need to get clarity, and more, in a way that gets what you need and supports both of you in being
So please, don't wait any longer to claim your fr/ee copy of this guide!
The Empowered Manager's Success Kit
To be a "good" manager of people it's understood that you are responsible for motivating your employees, for guiding them through rough patches, for being there when they need you and particularly to
answer their questions. This is all well and good until your good intentions result in your employees becoming too dependent on you, and they stop challenging themselves to be more resourceful.
The Empowered Manager Success Kit is full of tools and guides to help you move from the "good" manager mindset to that of an empowered manager, one
who is comfortable without their own authority, using it for right and noble reasons.
The really interesting thing about YOU becoming more empowered is that it makes room for your employees own resourcefulness and brilliance to blossom. You want to be a
part of that, right?
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