"Other duties as assigned"
Have you seen this phrase before? It's
pretty standard language for a job description. It usually sits there at the very end, so innocently, not calling any attention to itself. In the fine-print, you could say.
Do you know what it means?
It really pays to ask your supervisor, or HR. Most organizations have no
intention of taking advantage of you. You are not going to be required to do anything illegal or unethical. Find out what it means for your role.
Head things off at the pass.
What else you can do.
Whether you are a supervisor or aspiring to be one, you can also use by my newly revamped Empowered Manager's Success Kit. (Many of the points are adaptable to use with just about any human being you interact with.)

Preview - preview - preview!
The revamped kit will be available Thursday, December 11. It contains:
1. The “Reveal Your Manager Superpower” Assessment.
2. Managers, How to Avoid those Secret Snares That Can Trip You Up – A guide on being clear with your employees on what you need from them (i.e. what they could consider "fine print.")
3. Seven Powerful Manager Shortcuts: A Guide to Taking Charge of Some of Your Most Confounding Employee Interactions.
4. Six Manager Mistakes You’ll Never Make Again – Learn to avoid these common and tempting management
5. How to Make the Most of One-on-One Meetings with Employees.
Looking forward to talking with you again soon. Don't forget to read the fine print!