Get practical advice now on mastering your people
management skills to get results and save time
If you are a manager with
employees or an aspiring manager, the tips, tools and tales shared in this newly revamped Empowered Manager's Success Kit can help you learn to:
- Unearth what motivates that employee you can't quite figure out.
- Respond effortlessly when your employee throws you a curve.
- Stop dreading delivering performance feedback.
- Prevent misunderstandings while heads are cool.
- Put mechanisms in place to keep you and your employees on track.
(It doesn't even matter if you supervise employees or not, you can adapt these tactics
to learn to work with a tough boss or a co-worker who puzzles you.)
You have to act fast - discount good for 2 days only!
I know you want
to read more about the kit in the description below and at my website. Before we get to that I want to make sure you know there is an introductory discount code that will only be available for a limited time. You will received $20 off the standard price of $79 when you use the code "20off" (no quotations marks) at
checkout. This discount is good through Friday, December 19, 11:59pm ET.
The Empowered Manager's Success Kit includes:
1. The "Reveal Your Manager Superpower" Assessment.
2. How to Avoid those Secret Snares that Can Trip You Up: A guide to being clear with your employees on what you need for them, you and the organization to be
3. Seven Powerful Manager Shortcuts: A Guide to Taking Charge of Some of Your Most Counfounding Employee Interactions.
4. Six Manager Mistakes You'll Never Make Again.
5. A Cheat Sheet to Develop High Performing, Low Maintenance Employees. This tool is available to you fre/e of charge in its entirety as a preview to this kit. You'll find it
as you scroll down the information page at my website.
Click here to go to my website now and check out all the details about each item and
discover how this kit can help you learn a whole new way of working with your employees.