Fre/ebies whether you're on the fast track or waiting in the turn lane

Published: Tue, 11/11/14

 Tips and tools to get you from where you are to where you want to go.
Be sure you are the one in the driver's seat,
no matter where you are in your career journey
GPS'ing your career.

A few weeks ago I had the honor of speaking to dozens of women in science and technology-related fields on career management.
It was inspiring to see so many hungry to learn more, and be the truly empowered employee that I advocate for.  And don't forget, if you are a manager, you are an employee too.
Tools and tips.
Click here to download supplemental material I offered my audience members at my presentation.
I realize this is a little out of context since you haven't seen the presentation, but I think you can still find value in the topics and activities I touch on.  (If you are interested in having this talk presented to the audience of your choice, you can find more here.)
Not one bonus, but two more!

I also offered attendees a guide to 3 Conversations You Need to Have With Your Boss.  (Just click the title to download your own fre/e guide now.)

So many times you think you are on the same page.  But in the blink of an eye, you find out that your boss has a different idea of what "as soon as possible" means, for instance.  Awkward!  

This guide helps you avoid that up front, while no one is upset.  I've heard it said that our heart rate only has to increase a little bit for our ability to listen to descrease dramatically - 30%!  In other words as you are explaining your reasoning to an irate boss, it may not matter because they can't hear you!

I encourage you to share these materials with your colleagues.  In particular, if you recommend the 3 Conversations guide, please send them to, so they can order their own and get all the follow up information that comes with the guide.

One too many Dilbert-like moments?

Also, here's a goodie I uncovered recently that helped me before I went out on my own: "10 Tips to Survive Your Current Job."  

You may not feel like you are in survival mode right now, but if you're not thriving, that's enough for you to give these tips a look-see.  Who knows?  A tip like "Employ the Gandhi Method" might be just want it takes for you to experience a turnaround.

Enjoy and be back with you soon.
My Best,
P.S.  My newly revamped "Empowered Manager's Success Kit" will be released soon.  Be on the lookout.  And know that you, as a regular subscriber, will have access to a discounted rate.
About Mary Schaefer: I'm a coach and trainer for managers of people and anyone committed to their own development and advancement.  My belief is that your key to success is self-empowerment.  Click here to find out more about what I mean by this and what it can mean for you.
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