Don't miss out on these valuable career management tools and tips!

Published: Sun, 11/16/14

In case you missed them, here are my latest career tools and tips, in download form, handy,
right here for you.
1.  10 Tips to Survive Your Current Job.To get you through when you think you just can't take it any longer, but you're not ready to make a big move.

*Just click on the live link to start the download.  See the tips at the end for more specifics if you are having problems.

2.  3 Conversations You Need to Have With Your Boss.  You are the only one truly in charge of your own career.  Show you are willing to do what it takes to be a high-performing low-maintenance employee, who's ready to grow and advance.

3.  GPS'ing Your Career.  Supplemental info from a presentation I gave recently.  You'll learn good reasons to expand your network, the power of informational interviewing, and how to create a cushion of support for when you need to reroute.
*Downloading tips: Simply clicking on the live links (underlined).  This should initiate saving the file to your computer’s hard drive. You may be asked where you want to save the file, or sometimes your computer is set to download to the same folder every time. For instance, mine is titled, “Downloads.” (Handy  )

If that’s not working:

If you are using a PC, right-click on the link.

If you are using a Mac, control-click, then choose “save linked file as” or “download linked file” (you will have a choice of some version of these phrases).

Be on the lookout for this.

Depending on your setup, when you initiate the download a new tab may open in your browser. When you go to that tab it may look like the page is blank, so try this: scroll or use the elevator bar on that page and you will see the pdf is opened in that browser window. Just hover near the bottom quarter of the window and you will find icons to click to download, print, etc.

If there is anything I can do to help you get access to these downloads, just let me know by replying to this email.

My Best,
About Mary Schaefer: I'm a coach and trainer for managers of people and anyone committed to their own development and advancement.  My belief is that your key to success is self-empowerment.  Click here to find out more about what I mean by this and what it can mean for you.
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