Do you know how to manage those growling tigers at work?

Published: Thu, 12/18/14

One more day.  Use discount code 20off, available ONLY to my subscribers, to get $20 off the regular price of my newly revamped Empowered Manager's Success Kit now!

Fun fact. Do you know it only takes a 10 to 15 point increase in the typical human heart rate to trigger the fight-flight-freeze response?

What are you talking about, Mary?

It’s a holdover from our stone-age ancestors. It’s the body’s way of handling stress – sometimes big, sometimes small – depending on what presses our (stress) buttons.

Bottom line: when you get charged up, you aren't at your best.  Your ability to listen decreases significantly.  

So these days, instead of running for your life from a growling tiger, you are:
  • Mentally running for your life in response to your employee’s accusation that you’re showing favoritism.
  • Experiencing what it feels like to be a deer in the headlights when your employee demands an unearned raise.
  • Getting snippy when you’ve been interrupted for the umpteenth time in the last hour.

That’s where this kit comes in.

Much of what confounds managers is due to misunderstanding or the unexpected. With this kit you learn how to handle yourself in a variety of situations. So, when a modern-day tiger appears, your heart rate is less likely to jump, and you can be poised and confident. (And you can minimize your employees’ fight-flight-freeze response too.)

My Best,

Coach and Trainer for managers of people, and anyone committed to their own development and advancement

"Empower your employees by empowering yourself first."

P.S.  Don't forget the discount code "20off" for $20 off the regular price is good through Friday, December 19, 11:59pm