How to make performance feedback a two-way street [and an offer]

Published: Wed, 07/15/15

When you want them to hear you, stop talking

Managers, there's more to feedback than the 'what.' The 'how' can make all the difference. When you want your employee to own the feedback and take action, make it a two-way conversation.

Humans can only take in so much at one time--thus the importance of two-way interaction. Lead your employee through a thought process so they come along with you.

In this way, they grow their own awareness and responsibility at the same time. So, let’s consider how a two-way interaction can go.

Several years ago I lead an SAP implementation project at a chemical plant. Some of my team members were shop floor employees. Most were hired in an era where you were just expected to do what you were told.

At one point two of my team members came to me about another team member, Jeremy [read the rest of my article at].
Speaking of... "...Stop Talking."

I've just launched my new Kindle* book, When You Want Them to Hear You, Stop Talking

If your employee has not been responding, shuts down or tells you what you want to hear, but doesn't change, this book is for you.

I titled it "...Stop Talking" because many times when you think you aren't being heard, it's tempting to repeat yourself or talk louder. Sometimes when we are delivering a difficult message, we go on and on because we're nervous. There are also times when you just want to shut down. But that's not what I mean by "stop talking."

In this book, you will learn tips to engage with others so that you really hear what they are saying and consequently set the stage for them to hear you

Get this now at the introductory price of $2.99.

*You can read a Kindle book on just about any device. I downloaded the Kindle app on my phone, tablet, laptop and desktop and read my Kindle books from there. 
My Best,

P.S.  I'm not done with the "stop talking" thing. I've had great feedback presenting a live class on this subject too. Julie Kirk with the Delaware Division of libraries told me recently,

"I feel like your tips and advice are the first really usable information in working with others I've found. I can use this and actually put it into practice."

As I mentioned recently I've been enjoying developing an online course of the same name, "When You Want Them to Hear You, Stop Talking." Be on the lookout for the launch of this program. You'll be among the first to know.
About Mary Schaefer: I'm a coach and trainer for managers of people and anyone else committed to their own development and advancement.  My belief is that your key to success is self-empowerment.  Click here to find out more about what I mean by this and what it can mean for you.

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