Quick question for you. Everyday leadership.

Published: Thu, 04/02/15

How do YOU demonstrate leadership
in your daily life?
The phrase "everyday leadership" came to me today.

I think it's easy to underestimate the way we "lead" our own lives or lift up others with a seemingly small gesture of support or a word of encouragement.

Please respond to this email (or tweet me) by end-of-day tomorrow if you are willing to inspire others with your example of everyday leadership. I'm collecting responses to write a post within the next few days.  

You can be a leader even without the title.

Remember, even the most humble of efforts can make a difference.

An example.

It may be a stretch to call this leadership, but it is my goal daily: for every person I encounter, to make their day better because they ran into me. I particularly like to acknowledge those that may seem invisible in our daily lives -- people who are providing services, from the clerk behind a cafe counter to the person keeping a parking lot clean. I want them to know they matter, at least to me.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
My Best,

About Mary Schaefer: I'm a coach and trainer for managers of people and anyone else committed to their own development and advancement.  My belief is that your key to success is self-empowerment.  Click here to find out more about what I mean by this and what it can mean for you.

Question? Comment? Click reply and let's talk.

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