Check out the results so far & get your vote in.

Published: Fri, 12/04/15

Get ready for my upcoming
"Speaking of Work" teleconference series
based on topics of your choice!
I'm planning 3 free mini-teleconferences for you only this month, as my list subscriber. Here are the voting results so far... 
What's going to come in as the top 3?

I realize you can only see so much with the image above. The topics getting the most votes right now are:

  • How do I make sure my performance is recognized accurately, and for its importance?
  • There are new changes at work and I don't know what they are going to mean for me.

And tied for 3rd are:

  • How do I say "no" to a request from a coworker, teammate or even my supervisor?
  • What if I am not getting what I need from my supervisor?

If you have different preferred topics, or you want to make sure your topics make the top 3 so we can discuss, be sure to go here now to vote.

You will want to respond by 5pm ET, Friday, Dec. 4 before the survey closes so I can get moving on preparing the topics. (The survey won't take but a minute. You are only choosing 3 items.)

Looking forward to hearing from you.
My Best,

P.S. I have a whole list of items we can discuss, more than are on the current survey. I'll put those in front of you eventually.

I help managers and employees both. Right now I'm focused on topics that can help employees. I mean, many managers are employees because you have bosses too, right? 

I say that because in the first quarter of next year I'm planning a series based on supervisor needs too, for those of you who are interested. (You are welcome to start feeding me ideas right now if you wish. Thanking you in advance.)

About Mary Schaefer: I'm a coach, trainer, speaker and consultant for managers of people and employees. My belief about the key to great performance at work is : "Your success and the success of those around you depends on you empowering yourself first." Click here to find out more about what this can mean for you.

Question? Comment? Click reply and let's talk.

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