3 free seminars to increase your confidence at work

Published: Mon, 12/07/15

Mini-teleseminars of your choice
are now available for registration.
Oh yeah, and they're free (to you).
 Thank you for weighing in with your preferences on topics!
And the top vote getters are...

  1. How to make sure your performance is recognized the right way.
  2. How to handle changes at work, and what they mean to you.
  3. How to say "no" to a request from a coworker, teammate or supervisor.
The schedule.

Friday, Dec. 11, 10:30 - 11am ET
How to make sure your performance is recognized the right way.

Monday, Dec. 14, 4:45pm - 5:15pm ET
How to handle new changes at work and what they mean for you.

Wednesday, Dec. 16, 12 noon - 12:30pm ET
How to say "no" to a request from a coworker, teammate or even a supervisor.

You can attend any or all 3!

Click here to register. You'll get the details on what to expect, call-in information, a chance to submit your questions directly to me, and reminders. You'll submit your email address to register. This is so I know who to expect and who to send reminders to. You won't start getting duplicate emails from me if you add your email address on the registration page (and if you do, tell me :)

Looking forward to hearing from you.

My Best,

P.S. Thank you again to those of you who took the time to raise your hand and share your choices with me. 

About Mary Schaefer: I'm a coach, trainer, speaker and consultant for managers of people and employees. My belief about the key to great performance at work is : "Your success and the success of those around you depends on you empowering yourself first." Click here to find out more about what this can mean for you.

Question? Comment? Click reply and let's talk.

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