Tips to manage your boss [a gift for you]

Published: Mon, 11/23/15

See below for the link to the
replay of my recent webinar,
"How to Make Your Relationship
With Your Boss Work For You" 
"Another way to describe it is "managing up."

In my clients' own words, I hear, "I want to:"
  • Understand my supervisor's needs and how to address those needs.
  • Communicate with my boss better.
  • Influence my supervisor to eliminate obstacles to doing my job well.
  • Learn what actions I can take to be viewed as a more valued and trusted associate.
  • Understand the type and level of communication upper management wants.
  • Garner support for ideas.
  • Be more successful and make the company more successful.

Webinar replay available for a limited time.

That list is exactly what I addressed in my recent webinar (replay here), "How to Make Your Relationship With Your Boss Work For You." (You'll want to view this replay by Dec. 1. Be sure to see the last slide of the presentation for bonuses.) Through the material presented in this webinar, you can learn to: 
  • Distinguish yourself as someone who is reliable and incorporates organization goals and priorities into everyday actions and decisions.
  • Influence your boss to take your ideas more seriously.
  • Clearly demonstrate the value you bring to the organization.
If you are looking for advice specific to your situation, contact me by replying to this email.

Image: Aweber library

My Best,
P.S. For those of you who plan to celebrate Thanksgiving this week, have a wonderful day. 
About Mary Schaefer: I'm a coach, trainer, speaker and consultant for managers of people and employees. My belief about the key to great performance at work is : "Your success and the success of those around you depends on you empowering yourself first." Click here to find out more about what this can mean for you.

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