Making your supervisor more ideal for you.
What I often tell my clients is that you don't need to change a (coworker/boss/subordinate) for everyone, you just need to influence them to work with you differently.
I've chosen 3 of my posts that speak to influencing
others, so that you can elicit more cooperation and understanding from your supervisor, and both of you can be more productive.
1. The Single Most
Important Thing You Can Say to Your Boss. I stumbled on this by accident when my boss was getting defensive because I was asking a lot of questions. You have to decide if this will work in your case, but check out how saying "the most important thing first" can make a difference.
2. 3 Key Tips to Manage Your Boss. You have a right to expect a lot from your boss, and you are not always going to get what you need. You are responsible for making the relationship work for you. You can do it by applying any of these 3 tips.
3. You Can't Go Wrong by Making Them Right. You might have noticed by now that I strongly encourage taking an empowered approach, no matter what your role. This particular post was written for managers, but you can use the
same approach with anyone, including your supervisor.
There are no magic formulas. Yet there are approaches that, over time, applied consistently, can create the results you are looking for. Sometimes a simple change in your behavior can prompt a change in someone else. It's part of your continued growth and maturity as a professional. You've got it in you.