Check in with those people who matter. These people may sign your paycheck, or not. These people may be who you answer to, or not. It doesn’t matter. It matters who is important to
Here's a really important step.
Check yourself. Do you believe they will give you (or have given you) sincere and accurate feedback? Do you believe they don’t hold anything back? Yes? Then please, I beg you, take in their feedback on your accomplishments, skills and talents, and let the
positivity wash over you.
But am I doing enough?
You can’t possibly anticipate every condition or circumstance that might come your way. But unless you are hearing otherwise, the people who count on you, trust you to be
resourceful. If they are not showing any concern about your abilities, then you (yes, you), stop the self-doubt!
Start now.
At least for this time period from today through January 1, please reflect and bask in what you did well and do well, and start your plans for the next year from a
foundation of powerful confidence.
A version of this post was published Dec. 21, 2012.
Image: falco