Do you know your superpower at work?

Published: Fri, 04/15/16

YOU have a natural superpower!
I'm sending this to you because you are a loyal subscriber and regularly open my emails. I so appreciate that.

I could use your help. I'm launching an online version of my "Reveal Your Manager Superpower" assessment. (Even if you are not a manager (yet?) you can benefit from this assessment. See more below.)

The intent of this simple assessment is for you to identify your natural “superpower” as a manager of people.  You will look at how it is supporting your success, the success of the organization and your employees.

Even if you are not a manager, this assessment can help you:

  • Get a bead on your strengths as you develop yourself for a management position.
  • Understand why you and your supervisor see things differently.
  • Strategize on working better with seemingly difficult co-workers.

I need feedback. These feedback questions are incorporated into the assessment for your convenience.

  • Does the explanation of what it is make sense to you?
  • Did you find any typos or awkward phrasing?
  • Are items in the right order?
  • Did it leave you with any questions unanswered?
  • Any other feedback.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this assessment and provide feedback.* As you complete the assessment you will find that you are entitled to a complimentary debrief and strategy session based on this material.

*Please respond by 5pm, ET, Monday, April 18.

My Best,
About Mary Schaefer: Speaker, coach, trainer, consultant and Chief Encouragement Officer for everyone interested in their own professional development and advancement. My belief about the key to great performance at work is empowerment. I say: "Your success and the success of those around you depends on you empowering yourself first." Click here to find out more about what this can mean for you.

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