Wanting to save time and learn at the same time?

Published: Tue, 04/12/16

"What if we just acted like everything was easy?"
- Mary Ann Radmacher

Sometimes it's easier to listen than to read.

Get the bundle of recordings I put together for you and only you.

Pro-Human Workplace Collection - How to get to know your employees in a not-awkward, work-appropriate way.

Can you relate to this experience? I pin dozens of articles a week, and get around to reading about 3 to 5. It's so handy when the author has provided a recording. Then I can multitask (Yes, I'm aware of the research) and listen while I'm doing something else. 

I recorded the posts in the "pro-human workplace collection" I sent you last week, so you can listen when it's handy for you. The longest one is only 5 minutes 3 seconds. 

Click here to initiate a download the 4 recordings immediately. I've also included the pdf of the posts in case you missed it the first time. They are all in the same zip file. If you like, you can just stream the recordings from this page.

Here's to happy listening!
My Best,
About Mary Schaefer: Speaker, coach, trainer, consultant and Chief Encouragement Officer for everyone interested in their own professional development and advancement. My belief about the key to great performance at work is empowerment. I say: "Your success and the success of those around you depends on you empowering yourself first." Click here to find out more about what this can mean for you.

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