Your work is piling up and your supervisor
isn't around to help you prioritize.
How do you increase your chances of success? |
Do you know to counteract the "no-show" manager?
You have a lot on your plate. It seems like everyone wants everything at once. Others don’t
communicate at all. You need someone to help you prioritize and to support your decisions, but your manager is nowhere to be found.
you've tried to reach out to your manager, but he or she seems to be unavailable — indefinitely — you might have a "pretend manager..." Click this button to read the rest of my article at CIO Online.
Photo credit: pixabay pashminu
My Best,
P.S. Checkout info on my upcoming teleseminar on workplace politics, Thursday, Aug. 18, 7pm ET.
It's all Q&A. Small group. Get your questions answered.
Hear Mary Speak
Don't miss the talks shows and interviews I have coming up.
The latest is with Dana Theus, August 16,
1pm ET, on how to set your intention for your career. You can find the details here. Complete the form near the coffee cup image to get a notification and how to find the recording
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About Mary Schaefer: Speaker, coach, trainer, consultant and Chief Encouragement Officer for everyone interested in their own professional development and advancement. My belief about the key to great performance at work
is empowerment. I say: "Your success and the success of those around you depends on you empowering yourself first." Click here to find out more about what this can mean for you.
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