Mary C Schaefer

ReImagine Work/ Mary Schaefer - Get articles, ideas, tips, materials, and promotions to support you in navigating the workplace, no matter what your title.

Do you work in a *pro-human* workplace?

Published: Thu, 04/07/16

Could you use more humanity in your workplace? (and I don't mean drama) This week my colleague Dana Theus hosted a discussion so we could talk about…

Make it easy for others to be their best

Published: Thu, 03/24/16

Give others a reputation to live up to with this creative approach Whether you are a manager, parent, team leader, co-worker, or someone who needs to…

New for you. Audio posts.

Published: Wed, 03/09/16

Avoid e cuses and rise to the occasion with this single question I overheard a conversation at a cafe. One man was complaining to another how a dating…

Pt 2 - Can you create your ideal supervisor?

Published: Fri, 02/19/16

How much CAN you influence your supervisor? This is part 2, after the post a few weeks ago titled, "What do you need from your dream supervisor?"…

5 sure fireways to make conflict worse

Published: Wed, 01/13/16

Start the new year conquering what may be one of your habits.Work to keep heads cool and effective. Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.~ Haruki…

Believing in someone is a powerful thing.

Published: Mon, 12/21/15

Are you believing in YOU? Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be.

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